Naruto Shippuden The Lost Tower tells the story of the mission this time Naruto and his friends chasing ninja assassins, Mukade. Known also as the puppet-master. Where he found the source of infinite power in Rouran, the city ruins. Having found it, Naruto and Yamato as a group leader dragged into the past (like 20 years before the present) and are in Rouran when imposing building is still standing.
In addition, Minato, Choza, Shibi, as well as small kakashi got the assignment of the 3rd Hokage's time to go to Rouran.
Interesting story happens when Naruto meets his father, the 4th Hokage is none other than Minato. But from the beginning have not realized it until the end Naruto felt something weird when talking to Minato.
In terms of story, it is interesting because we actually brought by the makers of the anime to actually feel how it feels to meet a father who did we have never seen his face.
In addition, nearly three quarters of this film is spent on war against Anrokuzan aka Mukade. I think there will be a climax, anticlimax that occurred during the previous Naruto Shippuden, Naruto looks which will lose but he gets his strength back. But in the anime this time it's not like that. Anime Perhaps this is just highlight the emotional (whether intentional or not). But apart from that all, story idea this time really makes a different angle to Naruto and Minato. After all this time I read the manga Naruto, still many facets of the Hokage Minato-4 that are still mysterious.
Download Link:
Naruto Shippuden 4: The Lost Tower Indonesian Subbed (Indowebster)
Naruto Shippuden 4: The Lost Tower English Subbed (Mediafire Part 1)
Naruto Shippuden 4: The Lost Tower English Subbed (Mediafire Part 2)
Happy Watching!!! :)