Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Silent Hill

Silent Hill, when we read the title surely a hint of this in our mind is a Konami game production, Japan.
The gameplay is pretty much in demand despite reaping criticism intrigue presents survival (self defense), puzzles, story lines are amazing, a gripping depiction of the situation and difficult to predict, and the ending which can be determined by the players themselves, making the game Silent Hill to be the most much in demand even produced until five series.

Well, more or less adopted the story line, music and settings of the Silent Hill games (especially Silent Hill Series I), the film was made by Christophe Gans (Brotherhood of THE WOLF director) is trying to present a story that is really dark, which made the audience caught up in force fearful and depressed character in it.
The film begins despair and anxiety of a mother named Rose Da Silva (Radha Mitchell) is looking for his daughter Sharon (Jodelle Ferland) is lost when lost in a city of the dead (Silent Hill).

Rose is not actually an accident to the city with no inhabitants, but Rose was intending to follow the dreams that often haunt Sharon and described in a painting.

No matter the protests of her husband, Christopher (Sean Bean), Rose took Sharon to pick up a destiny that brought them to a place that will change their lives forever.

In anxiety, Rose followed a similar silhouette to the figure of Sharon. Rose walked unknowingly continue to follow the figure of 'Sharon' (later known as Alessa - also played by Jodelle Ferland), who took him to a gate opposite the true boundary.

Rose brought into a foreign city, foggy, and inhabited by strange creatures who are subject to the intangible darkness with a force that can change anything they touch (one of which shows the character of the monster 'Patients' and 'Lying Figures' from the game Silent Hill 2) .

In his search for Sharon, Rose assisted Cybil (Laurie Holden), a local policeman who was accidentally trapped in Silent Hill. When through the darkness of the city and began to recognize anything that met, Rose moved curious and investigate the background of Silent Hill.

He began to realize that he and Sharon is only a part of the mystery game are forced to risk your life and make a covenant with the devil tangible little girl (Alessa). To save Sharon, Rose must continue to fight or end up with darkness.

Download Link:
Indonesian Sub

NB: After you downloaded this movie, you will get this file with RAR format. Replace RAR format with AVI format. Ex: If the file named "Silent_Hill.rar, rename with Silent_Hill.avi! Enjoy! :) 


Anonymous said...

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