Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Corel Draw X5

CorelDraw x5 is the latest vector-processing software. A wide range of added features in it and certainly more perfect than the previous version. CorelDraw is a vector graphics editor software is best made by Corel, a software company headquartered in Ottawa, Canada. Corel recently introduced the newest update CorelDRAW Premium Suite X5 with the addition of features including color management, improved precision tool, a guide to provide a variety of techniques and tips for all skill levels, and direct access to leading stock image sites like Fotolia and iStockPhoto.
The following features of CorelDRAW X5:
  • High-Speed ​​Video Editing with Corel ® VideoStudio ® Pro X3 - A video end-to-end robust and rapid production package to produce professional-quality video.
  • Powerful for Flash animations with max3 SWISH - A complete animated Flash ™ authoring application to create animations that include text, typography, images, graphics, video, and sound.
  • Efficient Photo Editing with Corel PHOTO-PAINT ™ ® X5 - A professional image-editing application for retouching and enhance photos.
  • Complete Site Preparation Work with Corel Website X5 ™ ® Creator - A new application to build and manage websites including all the technical development capabilities needed to create a sophisticated online presence.
  • Accurate conversion with Corel ™ ® PowerTRACE X5 - A utility to quickly and accurately convert from bitmap to vector editing.
  • Screen Capture is easy to do with Corel CAPTURE ™ X5 - One-click screen-capture feature use in capturing images from your computer screen.
  • Quickly Access to Online Content through Corel ® CONNECT ™ - Seamless integration with leading online photo sites including Fotolia and iStockphoto ® gives users access to millions of images for various projects.
  • Export Photos with PhotoZoom Pro - A plug-in to enlarge digital images and export images from Corel PHOTO-PAINT X5.
  • File Security Pro Compressed with WinZip ® 14.5 - zip file of the world's most popular utility for file compression, encryption, sharing, and data backup.
  • Industry-leading file format compatibility with the public - including support for the latest import from Adobe ® Illustrator ® format and Adobe ® Photoshop CS5 ® CS5.  
Download Link: 

12-Ants make your cursor surrounded by ants

Maybe you confused and wondering about the title  I write there. WellI'll try to explain it. 12-Ants is a small application that can display or decorate your cursor with ants. That's cool! It can make your friend confused when they use your computer! :D

Download Link:

How To Change FavIcon In Blogger

Before we begin the discussion  how to change the favicon in the blog-spot, Did you know what's a favicon? What is its function? Yeah .. for those who do not know, Favicon stands for favorite icon, a small picture of a square that is at the top left of your blog address link. Image file extension used is *. Ico, ico file for favicon is a special and usually not all image editing with support for *.ico extension one of which is Adobe Photoshop, but don't worry about how to change the favicon in this blog because now many tools online provider can convert file. jpg,. png, etc. into *. ico.

Function of the favicon image itself is as true self is your blog or characteristic of your blog, favicon, so the better you eat the more interesting your blog seen by visitors.
Well now we will try to change the default favicon image (default image) with a new one without changing tau via HTML editing, the way he is:

If you doesn't have a picture to favicon with the file extension. Ico then to make it, you can visit one of the providers convert the extension into a favicon. Ico is http://www.icoconverter.com/ then follow the steps in the site so you have a picture with the file extension. ico.

After had a favicon image with .ico extension, then open blogger account and log in with your blogger account.

  • Click design -> click edit page
  • On this page the top left of the page and find and click edit Favicon setting.
  • After the new window will appear click the favicon configuration, then upload the favicon image that has been you set up.
  • After completion, don't forget to saving you job.
  • See the results on your blog! :)
    NB: Sorry for my bad english! >,<

Silent Hill 3 (PC Game)

Unlike the two previous series of Silent Hill, Silent Hill 3 focuses on the new female character. Heather, a teenager, was on his way to the local shopping mall when his life upside down. As he prepares to leave, the shops and brightly-lit walkways transformed into a dark, eerie echoes of the place reflected around the empty corridors and where flawed creatures can be seen at a glance and a shadow flash by.

Silent Hill 3 continues the series trademark brand of psychological horror and terrifying gameplay. As a teenage girl named Heather, players must explore and unravel the mysterious connection between the gods and leave the town and her inner fears. With enhanced graphical detail, a more complex storyline, and even more disgusting monsters from previous games, Silent Hill 3 promises to be the best horror adventure ever.


  • Pentium III or Athlon 1GHz Processor
  • 256MB RAM
  • 32MB GeForce3 Ti or Radeon 8500 Class Video Card
  • DirectX 8.1b
  • DirectX compatible Sound Card
  • 4X CD-ROM Drive or 2X DVD-ROM Drive
  • 4.7GB Hard Disk Space
  • Pentium 4 or Athlon 1.4GHz Processor
  • 512MB RAM
  • GeForce4 Ti or GeForce FX Video Card
  • 8X CD-ROM Drive or 4X DVD-ROM Drive
  • 5.2GB Hard Disk Space
  • USB Gamepad Controller
Download Link:

Silent Hill

Silent Hill, when we read the title surely a hint of this in our mind is a Konami game production, Japan.
The gameplay is pretty much in demand despite reaping criticism intrigue presents survival (self defense), puzzles, story lines are amazing, a gripping depiction of the situation and difficult to predict, and the ending which can be determined by the players themselves, making the game Silent Hill to be the most much in demand even produced until five series.

Well, more or less adopted the story line, music and settings of the Silent Hill games (especially Silent Hill Series I), the film was made by Christophe Gans (Brotherhood of THE WOLF director) is trying to present a story that is really dark, which made the audience caught up in force fearful and depressed character in it.
The film begins despair and anxiety of a mother named Rose Da Silva (Radha Mitchell) is looking for his daughter Sharon (Jodelle Ferland) is lost when lost in a city of the dead (Silent Hill).

Rose is not actually an accident to the city with no inhabitants, but Rose was intending to follow the dreams that often haunt Sharon and described in a painting.

No matter the protests of her husband, Christopher (Sean Bean), Rose took Sharon to pick up a destiny that brought them to a place that will change their lives forever.

In anxiety, Rose followed a similar silhouette to the figure of Sharon. Rose walked unknowingly continue to follow the figure of 'Sharon' (later known as Alessa - also played by Jodelle Ferland), who took him to a gate opposite the true boundary.

Rose brought into a foreign city, foggy, and inhabited by strange creatures who are subject to the intangible darkness with a force that can change anything they touch (one of which shows the character of the monster 'Patients' and 'Lying Figures' from the game Silent Hill 2) .

In his search for Sharon, Rose assisted Cybil (Laurie Holden), a local policeman who was accidentally trapped in Silent Hill. When through the darkness of the city and began to recognize anything that met, Rose moved curious and investigate the background of Silent Hill.

He began to realize that he and Sharon is only a part of the mystery game are forced to risk your life and make a covenant with the devil tangible little girl (Alessa). To save Sharon, Rose must continue to fight or end up with darkness.

Download Link:
Indonesian Sub

NB: After you downloaded this movie, you will get this file with RAR format. Replace RAR format with AVI format. Ex: If the file named "Silent_Hill.rar, rename with Silent_Hill.avi! Enjoy! :) 

Friday, February 10, 2012

Virtual Plastic Surgery 1.2 Portable

Virtual Plastic Surgery Software (VPS) can help you turn your face and body (nose, chin, breasts, buttock) to simulate aesthetic surgery.

VPS is easy to use, but the photo you want to change to simulate the results of VPS in the face and body. With VPS Software, in minutes you will be producing realistic virtual plastic surgery photo.
Try it and prove by yourself! :D


 A boy named DJ (voice by Mitchel Musso) view all events and are interested in investigating a house owned by a grumpy Mr.Nebbercracker and always forbade the children to draw near, even to "trick or treat", the tradition of asking the candy into the house to house are with dressed in costumes.

Together with his close friend Chowder (Sam Lerner), DJ tried to find out what's wrong with that house, did the old house was haunted, and where do Ny. Nebbercracker who have never seen? Adventures they attract the attention of a clever little girl and became the school champion, named Jenny (Maggie Gyllenhaal) who soon joined in the adventure.

Three, they suspect that the house had been possessed by the spirits of the dead, and DJ conclude that the spirit that pervaded the house is the spirit of Mr. Nebbercracker who are being treated in hospital. Get advice from a video game enthusiast eccentric man, they were advised to turn off the "heart" of the house to kill him.

The three children are curious is finally decided to go into a haunted house and kill his heart was located in a fireplace in the basement, with their water pistol guns.

Download Link:
Monster House

NB: After you downloaded this movie, you will get this file with RAR format. Replace RAR format with AVI format. Ex: If the file named "Monster_house.rar, rename with Monster_house.avi! Enjoy! :)


JKT48 is idol group in Indonesia. This is the sister group AKB48's first outside Japan, and will be based in Jakarta. The Group will adopt the concept of AKB48 "Idol you can see", and overall this group produced by Yasushi Akimoto.

JKT48 formation was first announced on 11 September 2011 in a ceremony held in AKB48 Makuhari Messe in Chiba Prefecture. Interview for participants took place in late September, with the final auditions for the finalists on 8 October 2011-9 October 2011.

The first generation was introduced on 3 November 2011. Among the 28 members, there is one member from Japan named Rena Nozawa (13 years) living in Jakarta. The producer Yasushi Akimoto said JKT48 will be a "bridge of friendship between Indonesia and Japan ".

JKT48 first appearance in Japan in AKB48 concert Taiko Kohaku Uta Gassen, December 20, 2011 in Tokyo Dome City Hall. The show was watched by about two thousand spectators. AKB48 members and SKE48 a total of 155 people divided into two teams, red team and white team. Sixteen members of JKT48 appeared on stage as guest stars as well as "surprise" for the audience. They performed the song "Aitakatta" in Indonesian language. 

On December 21, 2011, appeared in television shows JKT48 Waratte Iitomo! in Fuji TV singing the lyrics Aitakatta forwarded in the Indonesian language "With you ...". Six members JKT48, Shania, Cleopatra, Rena, Nabilah, Melody, and Ayana performing in the tourism promotion Indonesia Garuda Indonesia held in Bandar Narita International Airport, December 24, 2011. 

In the New Year's Eve show Kohaku Uta Gassen in Japan's NHK television, December 31, 2011, JKT48 appear on one stage together AKB48, SKE48, NMB48, SDN48, and HKT48 until they totaled 210 people. In the show entitled "Special AKB48 Kouhaku 2011 MAX" Gambarou Nippon! "Is," Kaze wa Fuiteiru "," Flying Get ", and" Everyday, Katyusha "performed in a medley. At the end of the song, members of the hiragana characters JKT48 form" N "as part of the appeal" Ganbarou Nippon "(がんばろ う 日本!) (" To strive, Japan! ") which is formed from the formation of the members on stage. JKT48 won praise from the captain of AKB48 Minami Takahashi," Every year the number of letters formed more and more, so speed is essential to form the letters. JKT48 the most intelligent in the form of letters. Although communication in Japanese and English is not fluent, they can make a very beautiful letter. Therefore, we want to learn from JKT and try better.


The Newspaper can be eaten after being read!

What do you usually do after you read the papers? the paper must be directly stacked and that has been sold kilogram. However, the idea of ​​editorial crew of Metro, a newspaper published in the UK, and a number of food experts to literally jump out of the grip it. Perhaps inspired by Willy Wonka, a character in the film Chocolate Factory, which makes everything around us can be eaten, they create a form that can be eaten Metro newspaper. As reported by the site Metro.co.uk, cooperation that produces an edible paper. So that's been read, the newspaper does not need to be removed, but be eaten alone.

Heston Blumenthal, the culinary scientist, had a major role in creating this unique idea. "The paper that can be eaten is a bit much is my obsession," he said. Matter of taste how? The volunteers had torn the paper with their teeth and swallow it. They were nodding and assess the newspaper's delicious. Of course the paper production requires not only rigorous editing, but also a careful processing of the dough. The dough itself is composed of cornstarch, vegetable oil, gum arabic, citric acid and water until the pasta is cooked in clay and formed into sheets.

Paste is then spread into a thin sheet through silk gauze is arranged in such a way into the headlines, photos and articles. The process of making fine paper and printing requires a few hours. To dry it takes a little longer. For the last polish, paper given the delicate smells of vanilla aroma. Charles Bouquet from Edible Paper Company, said the project will encourage the habit of recycling in the community. "We hope this provides additional flavor to the news and presents a menu of current issues are more colorful."

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