Friday, February 10, 2012

The Newspaper can be eaten after being read!

What do you usually do after you read the papers? the paper must be directly stacked and that has been sold kilogram. However, the idea of ​​editorial crew of Metro, a newspaper published in the UK, and a number of food experts to literally jump out of the grip it. Perhaps inspired by Willy Wonka, a character in the film Chocolate Factory, which makes everything around us can be eaten, they create a form that can be eaten Metro newspaper. As reported by the site, cooperation that produces an edible paper. So that's been read, the newspaper does not need to be removed, but be eaten alone.

Heston Blumenthal, the culinary scientist, had a major role in creating this unique idea. "The paper that can be eaten is a bit much is my obsession," he said. Matter of taste how? The volunteers had torn the paper with their teeth and swallow it. They were nodding and assess the newspaper's delicious. Of course the paper production requires not only rigorous editing, but also a careful processing of the dough. The dough itself is composed of cornstarch, vegetable oil, gum arabic, citric acid and water until the pasta is cooked in clay and formed into sheets.

Paste is then spread into a thin sheet through silk gauze is arranged in such a way into the headlines, photos and articles. The process of making fine paper and printing requires a few hours. To dry it takes a little longer. For the last polish, paper given the delicate smells of vanilla aroma. Charles Bouquet from Edible Paper Company, said the project will encourage the habit of recycling in the community. "We hope this provides additional flavor to the news and presents a menu of current issues are more colorful."


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