Unlike the two previous series of Silent Hill, Silent Hill 3 focuses on the new female character. Heather, a teenager, was on his way to the local shopping mall when his life upside down. As he prepares to leave, the shops and brightly-lit walkways transformed into a dark, eerie echoes of the place reflected around the empty corridors and where flawed creatures can be seen at a glance and a shadow flash by.
Silent Hill 3 continues the series trademark brand of psychological horror and terrifying gameplay. As a teenage girl named Heather, players must explore and unravel the mysterious connection between the gods and leave the town and her inner fears. With enhanced graphical detail, a more complex storyline, and even more disgusting monsters from previous games, Silent Hill 3 promises to be the best horror adventure ever.
- Pentium III or Athlon 1GHz Processor
- 256MB RAM
- 32MB GeForce3 Ti or Radeon 8500 Class Video Card
- DirectX 8.1b
- DirectX compatible Sound Card
- 4X CD-ROM Drive or 2X DVD-ROM Drive
- 4.7GB Hard Disk Space
- Pentium 4 or Athlon 1.4GHz Processor
- 512MB RAM
- GeForce4 Ti or GeForce FX Video Card
- 8X CD-ROM Drive or 4X DVD-ROM Drive
- 5.2GB Hard Disk Space
- USB Gamepad Controller
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